Week 4
Hello, parents!
Our students have been working very hard this week, and it really paid off!
Kindergartners have almost finished cutting out their geometric construction paper shapes, and they'll be ready to start gluing them down next week. The small shapes are definitely difficult to successfully cut, but the kindergartners have been persistent little troopers and have pulled it off with grace. They should be very proud of themselves! If you, as parents, are looking to support your children in their scissor skills, let them practice cutting smaller shapes with your guidance. Even simply opening and closing the scissors in the air helps them develop their hand strength and stamina. Above all, keep encouraging them. Confidence is half the battle!
Our first graders have just completed their beautiful swan paintings. They produced their own replicas of Henri Matisse's The Swan using pencil and later retraced their drawings in lovely watercolors. They are quickly developing their painting skills and learning how to make their lines thicker or thinner, using different parts of the brush and applying various levels of pressure. If you want to support your children in their painting skills, let them experiment with different directions, pressures, and even speeds of paint strokes across paper. If you don't have watercolor paints at home, they are only a couple dollars at Target or Walmart. Alternatively, you can let your children use other colored liquids, like cranberry juice. The aim is just to give them practice with using a paintbrush.
Great job to our kindergarten and first grade students this week! I wish you all a lovely Labor Day weekend!
Our students have been working very hard this week, and it really paid off!
Kindergartners have almost finished cutting out their geometric construction paper shapes, and they'll be ready to start gluing them down next week. The small shapes are definitely difficult to successfully cut, but the kindergartners have been persistent little troopers and have pulled it off with grace. They should be very proud of themselves! If you, as parents, are looking to support your children in their scissor skills, let them practice cutting smaller shapes with your guidance. Even simply opening and closing the scissors in the air helps them develop their hand strength and stamina. Above all, keep encouraging them. Confidence is half the battle!
Our first graders have just completed their beautiful swan paintings. They produced their own replicas of Henri Matisse's The Swan using pencil and later retraced their drawings in lovely watercolors. They are quickly developing their painting skills and learning how to make their lines thicker or thinner, using different parts of the brush and applying various levels of pressure. If you want to support your children in their painting skills, let them experiment with different directions, pressures, and even speeds of paint strokes across paper. If you don't have watercolor paints at home, they are only a couple dollars at Target or Walmart. Alternatively, you can let your children use other colored liquids, like cranberry juice. The aim is just to give them practice with using a paintbrush.
Great job to our kindergarten and first grade students this week! I wish you all a lovely Labor Day weekend!
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